For starters, I'm not offended by anything you have written, nor am I "angry" whenever I see black people anywhere. You have no right nor basis to make any assumptions whatsoever about my mindset, attitude, or lived reality based on my skin color, just as I have no right nor basis to do the same about yours based on your skin color.
All I have to go on is your writings on this platform.
As such, based on the fact you wrote this article while ensconced in seat 3D on a commercial flight, you enjoy a greater level of privilege and luxury than the 80 percent of the world who have never flown at all, let alone often enough (like you) to draw subjective conclusions about the racial aspects of airline hiring practices.
Because you have flown often while 80 percent of the world hasn't flown at all, it would appear you've been doing just fine in the opportunity department despite whatever perceived "systemic" forces you claim are holding you down.
On the subject of missed opportunities, people get passed over for a multitude of reasons, including a candidate's level of qualification and professionalism, as well as what they project in terms of work ethic and social attitude. Based on my own "win some, lose some" experience, there are indeed times when a hiring decision is made for reasons that have nothing to do with the above for reasons that are well beyond the candidate's control. I don't doubt that there are some occasions when a non-white person is passed over due to their skin color, but I've been employed in enough racially diverse workplaces (often in positions where my supervisors were black or otherwise non-white) that I simply don't buy your assumption that all of your own missed opportunities have been exclusively due to your skin color.
If you have in fact been denied opportunities on such a consistent basis strictly due to your skin color, how do you explain the success of other black people, especially such notable examples as Oprah Winfrey, or former President Barack Obama? How did they (and numerous others) beat that very same "system" you write about from the comfort of your seat on a commercial airliner? (Regarding Obama, how did he win two terms in the White House if all white people are supposedly so repulsed by the sight of "color" where we "don't expect to see it", as you claim?)
As a thought experiment, if you were to mentor a young black person feeling the same all-encompassing anger, despair, and resentment you yourself project in all of your articles on this platform, what advice would you give them on transcending that emotional state for the sake of themselves and their future children? And how would the advice on that topic differ (if at all) if it were coming from the likes of Obama, Winfrey, or other successful black people of note?