I wouldn’t be so quick to swallow whatever Kool Aid your daughter’s “health care” team is offering — I’m sure that sometime in the future you’ll be writing about how you’re resigned to go along with her getting a double masectomy and hormone treatments, because taking a “wait and see” approach to gender dysphoria is far less profitable to the medical community than mutilation and hormones.
(Fifty dollars says they’ll push for “affirmation surgery”.)
And then, assuming this really is leading to medical transition, if your daughter subsequently decides to detransition, the trans community will drop her like a hot potato, and she’ll effectively be a persona non grata. Your daughter is only their friend so long as she gives them another underage recruitment trophy to point to.
The thing that has most disturbed me in all of this — apart from the way that Bath Spa University prevented crucial and important research from being done — has been the sheer scale of the denial, vilification, ignorance and, at best, silence that has come from trans-activist groups and their supporters on the subject of detransition. In any other field of medical practice, if evidence began to emerge of a practice that so many patients were saying had caused them harm there would be an inquiry into it.
Yes, provide your daughter with validation and support, but don’t be so quick to trust a medical establishment that is looking increasingly like something out of a David Cronenberg movie where children and gender dysphoria are concerned.
They do not have her best interests in mind, and I say this because I care more about giving you the truth as I see it than I do about not offending you.