It looks like you're already go-to-go in terms of having a great time with the person rather than getting tripped up by his opposing politics. But in the interest of due diligence in case either one of you succumbs to the "dueling Fox News and MSNBC clips" temptation, and because this touches on an area about which I'm passionate as a recovering journalist, the following is my proverbial two cents...
I decided years ago to think in terms of ideals, rather than along partisan and/or ideological lines. (Partisanship and ideology are invitations to stop thinking for ourselves.) Part of this involves not letting any news media sources off the hook, regardless of whether or not their respective biases line up with my own.
And so, before you find yourself tempted to break out the MSNBC clips, keep a very open mind by looking at how your own news media filter bubble may appear from under the visor of his red MAGA hat, and at how you yourself may (or may not) have been manipulated by the news media you consume. (If this fella is smart, he'll do the same thing for himself if he hasn't done so already.) To that end, I highly recommend this video of a speech by Sharyl Attkisson, entitled "Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election":
If you consider that brainwashing is characterized by indoctrination in the absence of informed consent, then biased news reporting (featuring either outright lies or lies of omission) parading around in the sheep's skin of "objectivity" is absolutely a form of brainwashing, and thus is nothing less than a cancer on our collective mental environment.
Tangential to the above, here's my own long-winded take on the broader subject of public discourse in these divided times: